Funmerg Brand Guidelines
Funmerg Brand Guidelines has 43 pages, and 3 sections that cover everything you need in a professional brand book. It comes with a Funmerg Brand Guidelines Website Template where investors and stakeholders can have easy access to the online version.
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Sections include:
Discovering your brand: This section will help you understand the essence and traits that Funmerg should embody through both copy and design.
-Our Mission
-Our Vision
-Our qualities
-Look and mood
Writing for brand: Here, you'll find practical rules and mechanics for how copy should appear in all communications, ensuring clarity and consistency.
-Voice Don'ts
Designing for brand: This section contains guidelines for design elements such as logos, typography, colours, images, and more, ensuring a cohesive visual identity across all platforms.
-Visual style
-Graphical Elements
-Marketing Assets
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-Easy to use and edit
-Framer website template
-Figma files with a structured design system
-1920 x 1080 format ( Quality Output)
-Easy for online presentation
-(No lorem ipsum) Real content
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