Rocky Jam | Music Web App
👋Hello dribbblers!
We at AFE are all music dudes 🤘
and we're super excited to share our passion with you!
We've been working hard on our pet project and we can't wait for you to try out the first release. We hope that our app will be super useful for everyone!
With Rocky Jam, you can easily synchronise with other players and quickly pick a basic song to jam to.
You can see screens and stages of our design below. 👇
We were blown away by the amazing circle of fifths-based composition apps out there. We were so inspired by this functionality that we initially based our design on it. But after testing, we realised that this methodology is hard to apply in jam conditions and cuts off the audience with a beginner's level.
So we came up with a concept where the app is your mate and you come to the jam not to honk, but to get the most out of your instruments.
Music first
We're thrilled to announce that our editor is now much simpler in interface. Our app will give you advice based on the same circle of fifths, and it's friendlier than ever!