BLOC - an Interactive Guide

We wanted to create an app which allows the user to learn new skills easily at home. Therefore BLOC features curated content, that are introduced to the user in small steps via a skill tree which they can advance in.

If you are interested in an in-depth documentation of the project, you can click here.

User Interface

For the User Interface we wanted to create something that reminds the user of their childhood, when they were inquisitive. Therefore we wanted to use building blocks which stack onto one another just like you did as a child.

The Buttons and Search-Bar are supposed to mimic the look of the blocks.

Creating your profile

To setup your profile, you have to choose a couple of skills you are interested in learning.

The skills you choose will be highlighted in black.

The Home-Screen

After you've chosen the skills you want to learn you'll be forwarded to the home-screen.

Your skills will be displayed as blocks. The further you advance in a skill, the bigger the block will be displayed.

If you are interested in learning a new skill you can always choose one of the dangling blocks at the top of the screen, which are suggestions based on other skills you've already advanced in.

Skill Tree

The skill tree is how the user is able to advance in the different skill sets.

The user has to complete different sub-categories within the tree to unlock new sub-categories.

The app will always offer two sub-categories to choose from to allow the user a certain amount of freedom of choice.

The user has to complete different exercises in order to successfully complete a sub-categorie.

Dieses Projekt ist im Wintersemester 2023 im Studiengang Digital Media im Fach Interaction Design 1 an der Technischen Hochschule Ulm entstanden.

Projektinitiator, Projektleiter und fachlicher Betreuer: Prof. Damian Gerbaulet.

Autor/-in und inhaltlich Verantwortliche/r: Hanna Förderer.

Das Projekt ist urheberrechtlich geschützt

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