To ensure that students actually practice and solve the assignments instead of just completing the video sessions In Nxtwave Learning Platform
Problem statement
Here A student can gain real skills only if he/she practices and does the assignments regularly. to ensure that students actually practice and solve the assignments instead of just completing the video sessions
What is the core need for this Assignment feature And the current goal:
Here the target users are students who attend the course so first of all in every recorded session include quiz in between every video
And here the NxtWave have assignment , notes, code playground in each session, but it is only usable after watching the entire video so there is a chance of fast forwarding so disable fast forwarding (referred from Coursera,edx U/I)
Several coding sites provides a feature that disable tab switching during the coding test, so we can use the same technique here that if a quiz or test happens according to the session we should provide or set a warning mechanism for tab switching
Also add minimum watch time features
At the starting introduction try to convince the students the importance of the program .
The program must be goal oriented that each students are aware of acquiring knowledge is only for them
Using RICE frame
My top priority will be adding those extra features to the site. Because everyone have different perspective on learning, so it is hard to categorize people according to the behavioral side so adding these feature could make program more effective to students.
Product Solution and its scope:
The goal of this design was to create an interface that felt simple, accessible, and contemporary.
The learning and its outcome will be very effective by adding these extra features
3. Success Metrices
By adding quiz during the session .can can measure the knowledge that the student achieved from the video session.
By disabling fastforwarding option students must watch the video’s and if he/she can only attend the quiz regarding the information from that particular video