
The Emo Planet is a spherical object featuring colorful horizontal rings with an inflated shape. Each color represents different emotions, such as love, fear, laughter, dreams, and more. The number of rings varies from 8 to 15, depending on the events in the Yoomoota universe (the more emotionally charged events, the more rings).80 million kilometers from the Sun. The Emo Planet is a spherical object 10K in diameter with bright horizontal rings of an inflated shape, reminiscent of swimming rings. The number of rings varies from 8 to15, depending on the events in the Yoomoota universe (the more events causing emotional lability, the more rings). Rings, or zones, are divided into 7 colors (red, yellow, blue, green, cyan, white, and black). Depending on the events taking place in the Yoomoota universe, new colors are added periodically. The planet has weak magnetism and the same gravity as on the Moon. These zones contain large sized images. The range of image sizes varies from 10 to 300 thousand kilometers of inscribed diameter. Images, or pictures, are placed chaotically, but the pattern type and mood depends on the color of the zone. The blue zones show objects that can cause a smile or laughter. Red zone shows the lack of fears, getting rid of phobias. Yellow images help you to concentrate in critical situations and avoid hysteria or panic.Look at white and you become caring but lonely, like in the case of KILWAPS (knight in love with a princess syndrome) and also get a 50% increase of physical strength. Green rings make you see things and events that you would not have paid attention to before; it is a surprise zone. Cyan zone (dreaminess) gives you the understanding of your dearest dream, projects and plans to achieve it. Black ring burdens you with despair and loss of yourself. However, after 10 days on Emo (10 hours on the Earth), you acquire a powerful super ability of survival. It shows a direct psychological and physical impact of color zones on a human.

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