Art Gallery Auction APP - Case Study


In this project, I contributed as an individual UX designer over 4 weeks to create an auction app for an art gallery


The art gallery auction app confidently addresses challenges associated with unfair betting practices

⛔Mainly collusion and bid manipulation, ensuring the auctions maintain their integrity.


To create a fair and reliable auction environment, we will confidently implement user verification, bid limits, bidder anonymity, and transparent audit trails.

✅Adding these will make a confident and most secure place which makes both the customers and user an Inviolable Environment

User Persona

Competitive analysis

I conducted a competitive analysis for an auction app by comparing three competitors: eBay, Bidding Owl, and Handbid. Here is a summary of the information I gathered:

User Journey Map

Hi-Fi Prototype




As a UX designer, I've learned that my work directly influences how users engage with digital products, impacting their daily lives. Crafting intuitive and enjoyable user experiences can lead to increased user satisfaction, engagement, and product success.

What I learned

Working as a UX designer has taught me the importance of empathy and user-centric thinking. Understanding user perspectives and incorporating their feedback is fundamental to creating designs that truly resonate with and benefit the end-users.


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