Alex Herring VA The Small Business Sorceress

This was a re-brand I did for Alex, she is a Reflexologist turn Virtual Assistant, she focuses on working with alternative therapies and wanted some unique designs to promote her business. Alex had created a logo on canva but was struggling to get the designs that she loved and reflected who she was and the core values of her business.

I discuss my process below....

Alex filled out a questionnaire for me, to help create a good overall picture of the business, her target clients and the direction of the business. Alex gave me a clear picture of what kinds of colours she wanted as part of her colour pallette, the typography she liked and didn't like and the types of images she wanted for her business. I did research into similar businesses and created a moodboard, from there I created a colour pallette Alex liked and I found the right typeface to use as part of Alex's brand.

After planing and gathering ideas in my sketchbook I began to build Alex's Primary Logo, Secondary Logo and Logo Mark through Adobe Illustrator. I collated all of the designs and my reason behind the design decisions using Adobe Indesign, creating a brand presentation for Alex. I created mock-up using Adobe Photoshop and sent the files over to Alex to use, once she confirmed she was happy.

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