Stayd - Home Rental Mobile App

Quick Intro

Stayd is an intuitive Apartment App for finding accommodation. The introductory section utilizes a minimalist dark screen design with a 24px border radius. This deliberate choice isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about enhancing user experience. By minimizing distractions and focusing on essential elements, we aim to streamline the apartment-hunting process, making it intuitive and hassle-free.

Quick View Cards

As UX designers, we understand the importance of presenting information in bite-sized chunks. I decided to employ simple card layouts for displaying apartment names, prices, and a view button stems from our commitment to clarity and efficiency. By condensing essential details into easily digestible snippets, this would empower users to make swift, informed decisions.

Detailed Property Information

Every design decision, including the layout of the search page, is driven by a desire to prioritize user needs. Through meticulous organization and comprehensive information architecture, I ensured that users can access detailed property information effortlessly. From amenities to location details, The goal was to empower users with the knowledge they need to find their perfect home.

Easy and Simple layout

My approach to navigation design is rooted in simplicity and ease of use. By adopting an intuitive layout and straightforward design elements, I eliminate unnecessary friction points and guide users seamlessly through the app. My aim is not just to create a visually appealing interface, but to craft a user experience that feels intuitive and natural, allowing users to focus on their apartment search without distraction.

Apartment App


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Peter Rock
Let's collaborate, create, & work on your Ideas 📨

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