Introducing Warehouses

Today we launched something the whole Segment team has been working on for a while — Warehouses.

This features lets load everything you're sending to Segment into a database like Amazon Redshift, in addition to all of the other integrations we already have.

You can see the landing page here:


The design for a technical product like this is extremely hard. It's not the sort of product many people know about, so copy is key. I really enjoy taking these complex, highly-technical products and boiling them down into something more people can understand.

Check it out and let us know what you think. Let me know if you have any feedback, I'm always trying to find better ways to communicate our product clearly.

p.s If you're looking for a new gig, we're looking for more designers to join the team! Send me a message if you're interested in working on projects like these.

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