Fact or Cap

Fact or Cap is a family card game that will test your knowledge on a whole bunch of different subjects. The cards are a standard size which is 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches.

To play this game, the oldest goes first. They draw a card, read it aloud to the opponents, and whoever guesses fact or cap first correctly gets to keep that card. The person that has collected the most cards by the end of the game, wins!

I chose this purple color scheme for the logo as the blue/purple color represents truth, wisdom, intelligence and the gray/purple color represents lying. I included a bright, contrasting mustard yellow to add some fun to this knowledgable game.

I went with the Custard typeface for the title. This playful font is bold and will stand out on its packaging to catch consumer's eyes. I had to go with a font that has a lot of character because so does this amusing game. I paired it with a clean sans serif font, Alternate Gothic NO3. Lastly, I chose Rustica for all of the body text on the cards for a quick, easy read.

I went with an elegant two-piece box to deliver all 200 playing cards. (Not pictured in the image above.) The instructions are on the back of the box. We placed the instructions here in hopes they never get misplaced like an instruction card.

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