NSA Government Agency Website Redesign

Summary: Confusing verbiage and cluttered organization make it difficult to navigate the original website smoothly. Subsequent redesign of the website entailed a more structured and aesthetic way to locate information efficiently

Duration: January 4th, 2024 - February 7th, 2024

My Role: User Experience & User Interface Designer, User Research

Success Metric: 100% increase in user engagement

Current Homepage

Prior to beginning my redesign, I examined the current website (on mobile and desktop interfaces) and conducted a heuristic evaluation.

Website Evaluation

Mobile Evaluation

After my own notes, I preformed several guerilla usability tests to further examine the problems of the site according to users. The primary pain points that were highlighted included issues with the drop down menus, difficulties finding information and dissatisfaction with the overall look, finding it to be cluttered. From this information, I created a feature prioritization matrix.

Prioritization Matrix

Next, I created a user persona to better imagine how the site should function

User Persona

I then began wire framing and prototyping the sites. I started with the website and then developed the mobile interface, keeping in mind consistency and responsiveness between the two.

Style Tile

Website Prototype

Mobile Prototype

I then conducted some A/B testing, comparing the old version of the website with the redesign I developed.

The A/B testing resulted in overall positive feedback on the redesign. Next steps would include mobile testing, further iterative design refinement and overall continuous improvement.

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