🌙 · Antimetal · Website Redesign

Exciting news!

Dive into the brand-new Antimetal website!

Join me on the journey of how we made it happen

Check it out live at http://antimetal.com

That's exactly what some early experiments looked like, we had to do some experimenting for a hero that is interactive and will make you wonder!

The sections had some background colors in the early stage, then we thought it was "too much" and wanted to go with a more gray background!

I can't believe that Antimetal still has this game on their website , who would have thought that you could use one of the games we all played as kids to explain a feature? Share your highest scores! The enemies are getting faster and faster, remember!

We did this as a team and I would like to thank my teammate!

Huge thanks to @necatikcl (for sure ) for bringing this beauty to life!

And endless thanks to @mprkhrst for wanting to do this with me and giving me the opportunity!

Thanks for reading so far I don't want to make it longer,

just take a look with your own eyes If you'd like to see

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@oguzyagizkara & @necatikcl & @LueStudio

Enjoy the rest of the site: http://antimetal.com

Lue Studio
Alchemists of the Internet

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