Live Sports TV Broadcasts for a Fun Strategy Competition Across
Watching sports with family at home can be dull, especially with distractions. Chatting online with long-distance friends during the game can be entertaining and build connections, but it can be hard to find others watching the game simultaneously. Regardless, the desire to connect and share the experience remains the same.
The project followed the double diamond and circular design principles, starting with setting the sports direction and then proceeding with interviews and secondary research in parallel. During the "Define" phase, user groups and actor-network were defined based on previous research findings that identified family patterns and main problems. The "Potential Solutions" phase involved brainstorming concepts and checking technology solutions. Finally, the remaining questions were addressed, and a plan was developed for evaluating and creating a prototype version. The report also considered future possibilities for uncertain results.
Combine Microsoft Teams, Wooclap, and live sports TV broadcasts to create a strategy forecast competition with a scoreboard and video call for different TVs in different rooms. See what others are thinking and make your own predictions. Two devices needed: TVs and phones. Encourages family bonding and activity regardless of location.