The Ouija Tales
The Ouija Tales is a riveting podcast blending scares and humor seamlessly. With spine-tingling narratives, it tickles funny bones while sending shivers down listeners' spines. Rooted in authenticity, its brand values embrace fear, laughter, and the thrill of the unknown, crafting an unforgettable auditory experience.
The quirky custom wordmark of The Ouija Tales captures its unique blend of scary and funny. Its playful yet eerie design mirrors the show's tone, instantly drawing in audiences with its distinctive charm. This bespoke typography embodies the podcast's ethos of embracing the unconventional, making it the perfect visual representation of its content. Similarly, The fun skull inside the 'i' of Ouija in the logo mark adds a playful touch to The Ouija Tales brand, perfectly reflecting its mix of scares and humor.
The brand's color palette, featuring vibrant orange, deep blue, and muted gray, harmonizes with The Ouija Tales' ethos. The bold orange evokes excitement and fear, while the blue adds depth and mystery. The gray provides balance, reflecting the podcast's blend of humor and spookiness. Together, these colors embody the brand's values of thrill, authenticity, and entertainment.