dino evolution

🦖 From Imagination to Digital

My illustration adventure began early, with pencil and paper in hand, as Pokémon danced across the TV screen. Without Pokémon toys of my own, I brought them to life through my drawings, meticulously cutting each one out and storing them in a cardboard box. They were my treasures, and with them, I orchestrated epic battles that only a child’s imagination could conjure.

In 2019, I ventured into the digital realm of illustrations, armed with Photoshop and a drawing tablet. Those initial tests, though just the beginning, marked the start of a new era in my artistic expression.

Now, in 2023, equipped with an iPad Pro and Procreate, acquired in 2021 to invest in my passion, I see how far I’ve come. The transition to digital has broadened my horizon and refined my stroke, allowing me to reach new heights in my art.

Each line drawn is more than just a stroke; it’s a step in my journey of growth and overcoming challenges. There’s still much to learn and improve, but with each new drawing, I feel closer to that dreamer who once played with paper Pokémon.

More by Alisson D.

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