Munchies: Mobile food delivery UI/UX design

Following the self-initiated/practice Brand Identity design project for a food delivery business "Munchies", I decided to put my UI/UX design skills to the test and apply the company's brand identity to an interface design for a mobile application. 

The main question during the design phase was to figure out how the colors - white and purple - would come together, catering to a wide target audience. During the design process, I had to keep in mind that the typography, size and color had to stand the color contrast and color-blind tests. Questions such as "is the type-size right for the older audience and those wearing glasses?", "are the button placements and assumptions about scrolling/interactions correct?", and "would the user be able to follow a from-home-to-payment interaction flow?" were very important.

More by Jean-Luc Marengo

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