Liminal Figures Publication

Delve into the world of graphic design excellence as we unveil our Senior Studio Exhibition Publication, Liminal Figures. In lieu of a traditional exhibition, students have designed and produced a publication disseminating their capstone research. Engage with designers, enjoy refreshments, and partake in the culmination of our graphic design explorations.

For the annual Senior Studio Graphic Design showcase, it was decided to put together a culmination of our capstone research into a collective publication. The publication was titled Liminal Figures because the publication serves to be a narrative of capstone research, as well as group of designers who are undefined, tied through a common lens of intersections of design and transformation.Each designer was also given a roll to fulfill in the publication process. I was placed in the role of Project Management, through which I fulfilled certain tasks such as collecting notes during worktimes and discussions, sending out reminders for tasks that needed completion before the next meetings, delegating tasks, and managed a launch party project board that outlined all tasks and marked them down as they were completed before the publication launch date. 

Following an alternative format to a regular publication, each designer was given 6 spreads with alternating vertical and horizontal pages to feature the information about our research alongside photography and photography captions. 

The following pages were my spreads of research which detailed my work on my Within animation and packaging projects.

 A risograph takeaway was included in the middle of the spread including a mind map of research solutions and their connections, and a promotional poster on the other side. The middle spread also featured the portraits of the designers who collaborated on the project.

Once all spreads were complete, the team outsourced through Mixam to print the publication and worked together later reimposed it and cut it down to the desired size and reading experience. 

More by Amanda McQuade

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