Washington State Parks

Washington State Parks (Parks) are vast and diverse in natural landscapes, but the organization’s then-current branding was not inclusive or celebratory of the state’s unique environments. The park system saw record numbers of visitors during the pandemic and wanted to capture that reconnection with nature and outdoor recreation. There was a desire for its logo to strengthen the belief that the outdoors should be welcoming and accessible to all — from seasoned nature enthusiasts to first-time adventurers — and represent the range of memories and emotions tied to these remarkable places. This was a tall order, but it gave Seattle creative agency People People a clear direction for what their scoped research and new visual identity needed to achieve.

To understand what held the greatest importance for Washingtonians, People People worked with Parks to develop a survey that would help shape its new visual identity. Over six thousand replies confirmed the expected: Washingtonians deeply value the natural beauty of the state and appreciate the classic look and feel of the original logo. Respondents reflected on deep emotional connections to their state parks, with many sharing heartfelt memories and significant life moments experienced in the outdoors. With this in mind, People People set out to depict the beauty of Washington inclusively — a landscape where the viewer could imagine a true range of emotions.

People People strategist Kate Schenot explained, “The research allowed us to test our visual ideas by asking ourselves: In this landscape, could someone imagine getting married while another remembers nursing heartbreak? Would this image feel like it could encompass the best moment in someone's life, and yet also offer someone peace and healing from their worst pain? Can it look like a fun place for a casual jog while also feeling appropriate as a place of profound feeling?”

The resulting logo is geographic fiction, combining elements from western and eastern Washington, such as Mount Spokane, columnar basalt formations, picturesque coastlines, and the official state tree: the Western Hemlock. Utilizing research to influence their design, People People made modifications to the layout and typography and updated the color palette with brighter, warmer tones. Careful consideration was given to font selection, with GT Walsheim chosen as the primary supporting font for its readability and subtle nostalgic nods. As requested by the client, People People maintained the original shield but added a curved shape within its form to soften the overall composition. They also reoriented the text to sit at the bottom of the container for unity and legibility and added a small 1913 to represent the year Parks was founded.

The new logo and visual identity will be gradually implemented across various touchpoints, including park signage, vehicles, uniforms, brochures, merchandise, and digital platforms. The final design captures the wild and welcoming spirit of Washington State Parks, inviting people of all backgrounds to connect with nature and create lasting memories.

“Our new brand is rooted in our past, has a solid foundation in the present, and will lead us into our next chapter,” said Stephanie McDermott, Parks Brand and Creative Marketing Manager. “The adjustments to our logo – evolving landforms, broadening our color palette, unifying our text – signify this new era.”

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