Take-Home Design Challenge


As part of an application for a Product Designer role, I had to complete a take-home design challenge. For those unaware, a take-home design challenge is typically a fictional design brief, set by the prospective employer to understand how you approach and solve design problems. The outcome itself is not important. It's all about showcasing your problem-solving process.


Design Test: Unique Deep Breathing Activity


The objective of this design test is to evaluate your creativity in designing a unique and engaging deep breathing activity that promotes relaxation and well-being within BeMe.


Create a deep breathing activity within the app to help users manage stress and improve their overall mental well-being.


User Persona:

Define a target user persona for the deep breathing activity. Consider factors such as age, interests, and stress levels to tailor the experience.

Purpose and Benefits:

Clearly articulate the purpose of the deep breathing activity and outline the potential benefits for users. Explain how it aligns with the overall goals of our app.

Unique Spin: Infuse your own unique spin or theme into the deep breathing activity. This could be inspired by nature, technology, mindfulness techniques, or any creative concept that sets it apart.

Integration with App Flow:

Describe how the deep breathing activity seamlessly integrates into the app's overall user flow. Consider placement, accessibility, and how users can easily discover and access the activity.

Accessibility Considerations:

Ensure that the deep breathing activity is accessible to users with diverse needs.

Consider visual impairments, hearing impairments, and other accessibility standards.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submit a document that includes a detailed description of the deep breathing activity, along with visuals such as wireframes or mockups.

  • Provide a rationale for your design decisions, explaining how each element contributes to the effectiveness and uniqueness of the deep breathing activity.

Evaluation Criteria:

Your design will be evaluated based on creativity, usability, alignment with the app's goals, incorporation of a unique spin, integration with app flow, and consideration of accessibility.


Submissions are due within 4 days of receiving this test.

My Approach

My Goal was to communicate my design process and the steps I took to get to the solution effectively as part of my submission.For this challenge, I Considered using the Product Design Process as follows:Understanding the goalEmpathising with the usersConsidering AccessibilityDefining the scopeGenerating ideas Prototyping the solution

What I learnt

  • To give your best as a designer when you design an experience, it's essential to thoroughly understand the idea that you're working on.

  • When the research is done well, you generate valid ideas better and faster

  • Feedbacks are important, but if you really believe in your ideas, don't give up on them.

  • Trying to accomplish too much creates chaos, constraints are important.

  • The trick is to figure out what process works for you and how you can illustrate your thinking and execution without doing too much and burning out.

  • Less detail up front means more is left over for later on