Katalyst EMS Suit - UI Design
Get Started Guide Module
The get started guide will be available on the home page for users a continue their onboarding. This is helpful especially if they have stopped their onboarding midway, or are still familiarizing themselves with how to wear the suit.
The user can slide to the left or right of all the videos and jump into any video they want.
When they select a video, it will take them to that specific section in the get started guide.
The drawer will stay in an opened state if the user has not finished the tutorial or if they have not manually closed it.
In the Future: this feature can be removed from the homepage once they have successfully finished the tutorial or have completed a certain number of workouts or days using the app.
Video Player
The Get Started Guide includes a new video experience that allows the members to go step by step in getting set up and to replay videos as necessary. The new experience allows members to skip through with the Skip Ahead feature.
Ramping up
This is a 2-3 minute ramp-up video that helps members acclimate to feeling the intensity and learn about base position and breathing.
Members struggle to learn about the “tingling sensation,” understand the base position, and breathe. Users are also unsure how to customize each section of the suit.
Members do not feel any sensations at intensity 10. We recommend 60-75 as an ending intensity.
Members need a few practice runs to learn the base position and perfect their breathing during a workout.
At this stage, a simplified workout UI allows the user to focus on learning about the suit intensities without being distracted by all the controls.
At the end of training, users can fine-tune their suit further or jump straight into their first workout.
Completing a tutorial workout presets the start intensity for their first workout and all the other workout modes.
Modifying Intensities
Optionally, members can choose to learn more about the drawer to fine-tune each part of the suit.
A new video focused on fine-tuning intensities.
To simplify the learning experience, each section is grouped into - lower body, upper body, and arms.
Members will have the option to fine-tune each part of the group individually.
Member starts with lower body, then upper body, and then arms.
Activity Design Goals
Give the member a way to see the latest results from their workout to help them recollect their workouts and identify their trends.
Highlight to members what their ending intensities have been to motivate them to match or beat their previous highs. Â
Allow member to see their progress over their lifetime of using the Katalyst fitness system.
Make it feel like a premium experience to match the brand and aesthetics of Katalyst and to enrich the value members get from Katalst.
Month View
Month view allows members to see richer insights, review and compare their performance in each activity type.