Transforming a social concept into visual design

After the brainstorm on Diversity and equality with the design team I got to choose cognitive diversity and growth in the job environment and in  innovation respectively.

Cognitive diversity

Thought process: In this image I tried to portray, as not every flower has the same fragrance and  is not  found in one place and needs to be imported, so are the tech talents. And though a flower has some flaws it doesn’t affect its fragrance, in the same way cognitive diversity has its flaws but its fragrance is never lost.

For the second asset: Growth in the job environment I chose to show a product or service’s  growth with diversity included.

Growth in tech environment

Thought process: While making assets representing growth I wanted to show diversity using international tech talents. As a seed is planted by some one so is a service or a product, the other’s water’s the seed and nurtures it for its growth, same works in the service growth too. The other diverse talents contribute to nurturing the plant. And a plant's health or growing conditions are managed by another person. A service is also given care by other talents. All these individuals work for the betterment of the service.

The image clearly represents the diverse community with their potential providing value to a service. Which contributes to the overall growth to a community.


Susee Mounica Matcha
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