Micro Case Study: Harvest Builders

Here's a micro case study of the website for Harvest Builders, LLC

I only show the hero section here, but this is what would take this site from 0-100 (real quick)...

  • Add CTAs above the fold and in the navigation bar. Throughout the site, make it easy for visitors to take action. Promptly inform visitors about free consultation and estimate offers. πŸ“£

  • Target visuals: Showcase highlight reel of video cuts from inside houses to captivate visitors. Visuals are key to convincing potential clients. πŸŽ₯

  • Refine messaging to address customers' primary desires. Introduce a section to handle objections effectively. πŸ“

  • Rearrange text and layout for improved readability. Follow F or Z pattern, use clear titles for scanning, and limit characters per line. Keep content concise. πŸ“Š

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