SmartStop Experience Design

Client: SmartStop LLC

Year: 2023

Location: Sarasota, Florida

Scope of Work: UX Design, UI Design, Competitive Analysis,  Information Architecture

Project Goal

Create a user friendly software for traffic managers and government officials in order to manipulate traffic patterns, control city infrastructure, apply priority to roads, intersections, and corridors in emergency situations while keeping AI and data security at the forefront.

Business Objectives

  • Elevate the users experience and friendliness with a ‘one-click’ mindset

  • Build a software that has modular UI components and can be used universally throughout many cities, countries, and terrains.

  • Find ways to make data visualization, controlling traffic patterns, interacting with the AI, and finding data seamless and easy for the user.

Key Responsibilities

  • Research:

    • Conduct an in-depth competitive analysis

    • Analyze traffic data to guide data visualization.

  • Ideation:

    • Led brainstorming sessions based on conducted research

    • Prioritized concepts for personalization and user engagement

  • Design and Presentation:

    • Worked directly with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief, Financial Officer (CFO), Research Team, Developers, and Programmers to produce designs that demonstrate how the STIM (Smart Traffic Infrastructure Manager) could look and act.

    • Presented prototype of product to City Civil Engineers, IT Professionals, and Chefs of Staff of various cities around the country, selling one unit thus far to the City of Sarasota.

Competitive Analysis (Key Findings):

  • No traffic manipulation: Our competitors focus on data visualization and providing industry leading simulations.

  • Minimal AI Integration: Softwares on the market are in need of more human assistance to make calculated decisions

  • Low End Security: Running security through standard encryption.

  • High Latency: Performance of software and latency is dependent on fiber optics throughout the city.

  • Low UI Design: Difficult to move around the interface efficiently, takes awhile to complete tasks and track progress.

Design and Presentation to Internal Teams

  • User Interface Design and Prototyping:

    • Crafted intuitive prototypes that showcase AI functionality, Data Visualization, User Interactions, Software Security, Modular UI Components, Traffic Manipulation, and Data Storage.

    • Presented comprehensive design solutions to internal teams, demonstrating the user journey and interaction flow.

  • Collaborative Design Execution:

    • Facilitated the translation of ideated AI concepts into tangible design prototypes, ready for stakeholder review.

    • Effectively communicated design rationale and the expected impact on user experience to internal teams.

Posted on Mar 19, 2024

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