Financial Service Platform | Landing page
A landing page design that combines innovation and simplicity to offer users a seamless experience. This design features clear calls to action, intuitive navigation, and a modern aesthetic, perfect for financial services.
This home page design for a financial platform prioritizes the user experience. With its clean layout, easy-to-understand information architecture, and responsive design, it offers users a smooth journey through the site.
‘Pending investments’ refer to those investment transactions which have been initiated by you, and have consequently been reported by us to the exchange, however, the exchange is yet to receive the consideration amount against such investments. We request you to complete this payment within the indicated deadlines in order to avoid penalties (if any) being placed on you by the exchanges. If you have already paid the amount, you can recheck the status after a few hours as it may take some time for the payment status to be reflected.
All fixed-income asset classes available on the Supernova platform are structured as listed instruments and are tradable on the exchanges (NSE/ BSE). These include both Corporate Bonds as well as SDIs (LeaseX, InvoiceX, LoanX and BondX). Considering these instruments are listed, investments in these instruments can only be made during regular market trading hours of the concerned exchange, similar to other listed securities (like stocks, REITs, InvITs and ETFs). Furthermore, with our recent integration with the NSE for the RFQ system, all investments are made directly on the stock exchange. Monday to Friday (except exchange certified holidays). If you are exploring any asset during non-market hours and wish to invest, you can set a reminder by clicking on the ‘Remind Me’ button, and we will remind you on the next day when the market reopens.
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