ajaib.ai: An Open Source Deep Generative AI - GUI Design Concept

This UI concept arose from my experiences identifying limitations in many open-source generative AI GUIs currently available.

Design Process

1. Exploration

Refers to a phase in the design process where you actively gather information, brainstorm ideas, and experiment with various solutions.

Pain Analysis

  1. Finding some of AI feature can be challenging due to poor organization or limited space.

  2. Unfamiliar technical terms are used without explanations, potentially hindering new users.

  3. Retrieving past generated images requires navigating the system folder, hindering user experience.

  4. The primary goal of generating images feels overshadowed by navigation complexities.

  5. I just want to generate images ;-;

The Cure

  1. Sidebar Menu was implemented to consolidate all AI features, fostering a one-screen interaction experience and minimizing user screen navigation.

  2. Descriptive help text sections were added for each AI feature, enhancing user comprehension.

  3. A generated image history log was implemented, eliminating the need for users to browse system folders for generated images.

  4. Workspace Mode was introduced, offering a simplified workspace that hides fine-tuning options for users who prioritize image generation. Conversely, the Advanced Workspace provides access to all fine-tuning options.

Competitor Benchmark

2. Iteration

Refers to a cyclical process of continuously refining a design based on user feedback and testing.

Create > Test > Analyze > Refine > Repeat.

3. Finalization

Implementing Figma Component, applying Auto-Layout, and fine-tuning to make sure the overall design is consistent.

Tools and Resources

Design Tools

  • Figma

Figma Plugins

Figma Resources



  • IBM Plex Sans

Thank you!

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