


Street H_2024.01-02_Vol.173

Yoga is a training method to find the true self through enlightenment from within, not from the outside. Let’s refine our posture and breathing through the 14 basic movements of Hatha Yoga, the 5 energy vayus in the body, and yoga breathing techniques, and experience unification and purification of the mind.


요가는 외부에서가 아닌 내부에서의 깨달음을 통하여 참된 자기를 찾는 수련법이다. 하타요가의 14가지 기본동작, 몸속 5가지 에너지 바유 그리고 요가 호흡법을 통해 자세와 호흡을 가다듬고 정신의 통일·순화를 경험해보자

Sung-Hwan Jang

Current 203 X Design Studio CEO | He worked as an editorial designer in <Reader's Digest>, 'Yonhap News' Graphic News Team, <Weekly Dong-a>, <Science Dong-a> and established the 203 X Design Studio in 2003 in front of Hongik University. Since then, he has been publishing a neighborhood magazine <Street H>, which records the events around Hongik University in 2009, He founded the Infographic Lab 203 in 2012 and hosted the Infographic Group Exhibition at YOON DesignLab Gallery.




<Street H>, neighborhood magazine around Hongik University

This poster can be purchased at the following sites.

Price: 12,000(KRW)

Paper: Rendezvous 130g(500 X 700mm)

<Street H> Homepage

Naver Storefarm

이 포스터는 아래 사이트에서 구매할 수 있습니다.

가격: 12,000원

종이: 랑데뷰 130g(500 X 700mm)

<Street H> 홈페이지

Naver 스토어팜

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