Executive Branch Agencies - an infographic website

I believe that part of the reason why people don't trust their governments is that most modern bureaucracies are large, unwieldy, and difficult to conceptualize.

So I started experimenting in ways to convey information about our governmental systems.

For this website, I wanted to examine the US executive branch agencies; what they do, how many they employ, and what sorts of departments they head.

Navigating Complex Systems

There are 16 American executive branch agencies. Underneath those agencies there's a network of over 220 sub-departments all carrying out important duties for the American people.

That scale is difficult for most people to comprehend. Add in state and local agencies and all of a sudden the standard citizen is swimming in a complex web of authorities.

I wanted to make a way of easily sorting the 16 agencies along a few easy to understand criteria like budget, number of people employed, and the date when the agency was established. I also wanted to give users a short description of the agency and a quick way to see how many sub-departments each agency housed.

What I came up with was a sortable foldout list that includes links to each agency's sub-departments and some short information about each.

Do you have a project you'd like to see transformed into an interactive website?

I enjoy designing and building web experiences that elevate and convey information in new and digestible ways.

Give me a holler: howdy@amos.design

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