4 dead-simple ways to nudge users to upgrade their plan

Here are 4 dead-simple ways to nudge users to upgrade their plan:

1. Add a Permanent Reminder that they currently use a trial account.

Users need to constantly be aware they can get more value. However, frame it so they don't feel they use a limited version of your product. > The outcome should drive the upgrade, not the frustration.

2. Add a Days Countdown emphasizing how many days they have left.

It creates urgency and encourage the users to engage as much as possible with your product during the limited trial period.

3. Sell The Benefits of upgrading.

Ask yourself: - Why would they want to upgrade? - What success will look like for your users? Define the value proposition by answering why upgrading matters and how it leads to user success.

4. Clear CTA.

Keep it simple + Use action verb + Name the item = High information scent

I'm Max and I help SaaS startups design software that sells itself.

I talk about Product-led design & SaaS on X.

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