New Top Menu Bar Navigation IA Information Architecture Update

New information architecture for Top Menu Navigation for Desktop website fintech app

Check out a new optimised concept for the top menu navigation bar of our Desktop Website for iwoca LTD.

Summary of the Design Updates for Top Navigation Bar Redesign (IA):

  1. Mobile & Desktop: Updated the terminology of our products site wide

  2. Desktop: Added supportive explainer copy upon mouse hover for USP of our core products

  3. Desktop: (Top Menu Navbar options) Removed 16 Navbar options. Kept 2: Business Loan and Trade Credit

  4. Mobile: (Hamburger Menu options) Removed 16 options and kept 4

  5. Mobile: (added a fixed sticky Apply button to Step Zero (increase conversion)

  6. Mobile: New tracking on New Sticky Apply on GA4 + Full Story

  7. Mobile: (added Trustpilot reviews, google my business rating, telephone number, email and chat support

  8. Desktop: Navigation bar target size increased on names

  9. Mobile: Hamburger target size increased on names

  10. Desktop: Created Black Underline when you hover w. mouse on Business Loan or Trade Credit

Below is the current (old) version of the website

Old information architecture for Top Menu Navigation for Desktop website fintech app
New information architecture for Top Menu Navigation for Desktop website
Optimising Tap Click Targets for Mouse on Desktop Menu bar navigation

New Top Menu CTA Button to increase Conversion

Mobile Top Menu navigation CTA Button

Old vs New Mobile Hamburger Menu Information Architecture (IA)

Mobile Hamburger Menu Navigation for Fintech App
Small business loans simplified (£1K - £500K)

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