The Innovation Hub


The Innovation Hub, the innovation agency of the Gauteng Province is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Gauteng Growth and Development Agency. It was established by the Gauteng Provincial Government through its Department of Economic Development to promote economic development and competitiveness of Gauteng through fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Innovation Hub offers a number of incubation programmes in the Bioeconomy (agro processing and pharmaceutical), Smart Industries (ICT and advanced manufacturing) and Green Economy (Water purification, waste management and renewable energy). In addition, The Innovation Hub operates a range of enterprise development, skills development and innovation enabling programmes both in the science park and throughout the Gauteng region.


Spiral 8 Studio, commissioned by Ramboka Holding, undertook the task of reimagining the interior design of Innovation Hub. As part of a comprehensive renovation, the Innovation Hub sought a theme that would encapsulate the essence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4.0). After careful consideration, we decided to emphasize the Internet of Things (IoT) as our central motif.


Our creative process involved crafting a series of bespoke artworks, each intricately woven around the IoT theme. These pieces served as contrasting expressions, offering a fresh perspective on the environment. To seamlessly integrate our vision, we meticulously translated these artworks into custom wallpaper, ensuring a perfect fit for the office’s unique dimensions.

The result? A transformed space that transcends the ordinary, elevating the Innovation Hub to an extraordinary realm of design and innovation.

Client: The Innovation Hub

Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Wallpaper, Vinyl

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