The client experienced challenges initiating the user acquisition process and executing an effective marketing campaign to launch a social network from scratch. Additionally, designing a system that allows users to forecast price dynamics and track the accuracy of their predictions required extensive development efforts. Integrating various tools for cryptocurrency exchange, data sources and news analysis from diverse sources further added to the complexity. Computools' tech team worked closely with the client for social networks software development that addressed these challenges. Our experts successfully created an engaging network with tools that attracted active user participation. They also developed a signal system, enabling users to receive reliable market forecasts and monetise their predictions. A comprehensive set of tools was designed to assist users while providing functionality for companies to leverage the system.
The client, Crypthusiast, is a company focusing on providing a platform for cryptocurrency exchange with elements of social networking. They sought to create a platform where users can exchange over 150 cryptocurrencies quickly and engage in discussions about the subject. They aimed to attract a global community of crypto-enthusiasts. With a dedicated CEO, CTO, product owner, subject matter expert and marketing team, Crypthusiast aimed to establish a thriving social network for cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide.
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