MyNetwork App: Router and Fibre Management app

Happy to share a few screens from my recent collaboration with the Tanzania-based Internet Service Provider Habari Node whose WiFi routers and fibre broadbands provide internet access to thousands of homes and offices in Tanzania 🇹🇿. They needed a mobile app to help their customers manage their WiFi networks and do so much more. I was contracted to deliver 2 products: An app icon and a mobile app UI.

I led the UX ideation (brainstorming ideas, user stories, card sorting, competitor analysis, user journey mapping & flow), wire-framing and prototyping.

App Icon

The icon needed to be simple, scalable, easy to identify and most importantly, consistent with the company's existing branding. I came up with a few ideas and one was chosen by the client.

Mobile app

I used the standard design thinking approach for this project. Specifically, here are the steps I took in collaboration with the team and its developers:

1️⃣ Since the team already had thousands of customers using their WiFi and fibre broadbands, they already had a ton of insight into what the customers needed. They shared the feature requirements with me with some of the additional insights they had gathered. This was essential in helping me understand the needs, experiences, and problems of the people I was to design for, as well as the plans of the business.

2️⃣ With the requirements in hand, I proceeded to create some user personas based on the insights shared, sorted the requirements, analysed some competitors and worked on user journey maps and flows.

3️⃣ I then translated the Figjam ideas into a wireframe.

💡 With more than 86% of Tanzanians who use smart phones using Android devices, and more than 80% of its 3,000+ customers using android, I decided to seek inspiration from Google's material system for the design.

Below are some of the high fidelity screens.

🏡 Home

The app's Home gives a user a quick overview of the important information about their account. Most users would mostly only open the app if they want to check whether their internet connection is working or when they want to renew their data plan.

🛜 Manage

The Manage section of the app is where a user manages the WiFi networks, LAN Ports, connected devices as well as websites blacklist.

📨 Notifications

The Notification page is used for sending users important updates.

⚙️ Settings

All of the user's advanced settings are housed in the Settings page. The user can renew their subscription, contact support, view detailed usage data, request account statements, set parental control among others.

Typography, colours and components

Posted on Mar 7, 2024

More by Hope Adoli

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