SpotSwap - Waitlist management for partners
Hello from Metamode 👋
Introducing our latest project - SpotSwap.
SpotSwap is the world's first trading platform and marketplace for swapping your waitlist spots.
Designed for partners and companies to monetise their organization's waitlists and improve customer satisfaction, while simultaneously allowing waitlist members to jump the queue or sell their spot for some quick cash.
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Metamode is a strategy, product and brand design agency that is based in Brisbane, Australia. We solve design problems and challenges for startups and scaleups across the globe.
Some recent successes include saving $150,000/year in design wages while increasing their velocity by 3X with a 10X increase in quality.
We also recently helped to design, build and ship a TeamGPT competitor in under 30 days. This included design system creation and over 100 screens for their web application.
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