Game mobile Hi-Fi prototype

We must consider all possible aspects of the psychology of children aged 3-5 years. We can create a game that not only captures their attention but also fosters addiction to the positive gaming experience. For example, by incorporating smiling paint buckets that create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, we can attract more attention from children. Additionally, we should demonstrate proof of concept by adding animation to animate the paint bucket upon color selection. As for the color scroll mechanic, we could either add buttons on the sides or incorporate animated tooltips resembling a finger gesture, all within a minimalist design suitable for children.

Moving forward:

"Reward and Achievement System":

We are developing a reward system that incentivizes children for completing coloring tasks and achieving specific goals. I would add a simple animation to each completed coloring task, aiming to convey positive emotions and promote game engagement by showing messages like "Well done!" For instance, the sun could start smiling and sparkling with rays, or a truck could come to life.

"Why Animations Matter":

Children of this age are attracted to bright and colorful imagery, animated characters, interactive elements, etc.

Our game interface features constant micro-interactions: • Buttons; • Pop-ups; • Animation of coins flying into the game store upon completion of a coloring task; • Animated paint buckets upon clicking.

All of these elements help to immerse the user deeper into the gaming process.

"Sound Design":

What if we implement dynamic sound effects that change depending on the selected object for coloring? For instance, selecting an animal could trigger the sounds that animal makes. We aim to immerse the young user in the story of the gaming process, which is crucial.

"Multi-Level Coloring Pages":

I believe creating coloring pages with multiple difficulty levels, where younger children can start with simple images and then progress to more complex ones, would be beneficial. We aim to make the game engaging and captivating, while also considering future perspectives such as monetization and beyond.

"Positive Gaming Experience and Satisfaction":

By creating moments of success and achievement in the game, children will feel competent and satisfied.

During product development, we focus not only on unique features and improving user experience but also actively immerse ourselves in business aspects and game monetization. In conclusion, I strive to create a product that not only captivates and retains children's attention but also becomes successfully monetized, ensuring long-term profitability and project growth. I am ready to contribute not only to the technical implementation but also to the strategic development of your project. Developing unique features for a mobile coloring game not only showcases my skills in design and interface development but also emphasizes my readiness and desire to work on a product that brings joy and benefits to children.

Posted on Mar 4, 2024

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