Search and Result Page for Apple Watch App


I completed task #UIX101 #022 😊

In this task, I designed the search and results pages for a video streaming platform intended for use on a smartwatch.

Let me briefly discuss my thought process during the work. First of all, working on a watch screen requires much more decision-making than working from a phone, tablet, or computer screen because the screen is much smaller compared to other devices.

I thought that having a wide input section on the search page might be good for the user because when a search is made up of a few words, the user may want to see what they initially typed. If the search text is long, user can rotate the crown to view the text line by line. I chose a text button for the #Search button instead of a button with text around it because I didn't want the button padding to take up space. This way, I saved a bit of space.

While the user can use the #dictation feature when searching, if they cannot speak for some reason, they may resort to using the keyboard or they may not like using the dictation feature. In this case, I tried to keep the keys of the keyboard as large as possible for easy use. I also used the autocomplete suggestion feature within the input field. This way, I allocated space to the keyboard.

On the results screen, I included three pieces of information about the video: Video cover photo, video title, and account name sharing the video.

If no results are found at the end of the search, we encounter the "No result has been found" screen and can return to the search screen from this page.

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