Alvar Tech- A design for CyberSecurity Services site

Project Description

The online world is a dangerous place and you have got the skills to help folks feel secure through your cybersecurity skills. How do you reach them?

Answer: Through a website. Sure, you can always opt to conduct business over social media platforms but who knows what sort of your conversations the platform operators privy to? What happens when they start a business in your niche? Can you count on them to not take advantage of the leverage they have over you?

This is where having your own site on your own server is of the most benefit to you. And that is what I did for my clients at Alvar Tech where I created a site design focussed on the CyberSecurity niche. The design ensures that the user gets the gist of the services that are being offered before even having to scroll and then just as easily be able to contact the site admins.

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