Far West Motel

Here's one from my hometown of Kaysville, Utah. The ol' Far West Motel. Built in the 60s and was at one time a nice little place, unfortunately fell into despair in the early 2000s. Growing up, my friends and I viewed it as that old creepy place you had to pass before going to Dairy Queen.

It became known for heavy drug use and uh, other things...

(how 'bout a windy, Wendy?) Right before it was torn down in 2011 to make way for some townhomes, a murder took place - if I recall correctly, folks complained about a bad smell coming from one of the rooms and found a body stuffed under the bed. What a place! 

(Note - these little renditions are not everyone's cup of tea lol. Still, I think it's fun to recreate these signs and that there's worth in preserving the art/architecture of that age. I've also been thinking as we move more and more in society to big box stores and impersonal chains, we've lost something in terms of building a community with these one-off motels, cafes and diners.)

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