George Logo
Concept background
In today's competitive business landscape, companies face numerous challenges in achieving their goals. From managing finances to optimizing operations, businesses require expert guidance and support to succeed. This is where George comes in. George is a premier business services provider that offers customized solutions to businesses with specific needs. With a focus on delivering high-quality services and expert advice in the sports, music, and entertainment industries, George helps businesses achieve their goals.
The logo concept
Given the different industries George engages with music, sports and entertainment, we came up with an icon that best identifies George in all the mentioned industries.
we had to sort out minimal yet reductive execution of the logo concepts after a holistic study of the brand looking at both the current and future journey.
The general idea behind George Brand is to charge a forward-thinking mindset to his intended audience leading towards set goals without limits around the globe.
With quite a minimalistic approach the logo illustration is crafted through curved edges and a thick forward-lined shape that exudes stability, boldness, entertainment, and confidence in expression. These are also key value factors that identify with the brand George.