SEB Mylimiausia

SEB Mylimiausia - loyalty program app is developed to reward its customers for their loyalty and engagement with the bank. Launched in 2023, the app aims to provide SEB Bank customers with a seamless and rewarding experience by offering personalized rewards, exclusive offers, and access to special benefits.

SEB Bank sought to increase user engagement and loyalty by offering a compelling loyalty program that incentivizes customers to interact with the bank's products and services regularly.

The design process began with research to understand user preferences, behavior patterns, and motivations related to loyalty programs. This involved analyzing customer data, conducting surveys, and studying industry trends to identify opportunities for improvement and innovation.

Visual design and branding were aligned with SEB Bank's brand guidelines while incorporating elements that differentiate it as a loyalty program platform. This included using consistent typography, color palette, and iconography to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.

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