Eckplatz – Corporate Design
Designing the corporate identity of an intercultural meeting center that offering cultural activities in the fields of literature, music, and theater. Before initiating the design process, several other cultural venues were examined as part of a competitive analysis. This initial exploration provided insights into what constitutes a good and consistent corporate design. These experiences proved valuable in creating our own content later on.
Name, Colors & Typography
"The name 'Eckplatz' (German for Corner Seat) aims to establish a positive connection with the cultural center. The term refers to the perceived best spot at a table, where one sits in the middle, surrounded by people, in a place where differences converge, and everyone enjoys a great time together.
For the headline font, we chose Bungee by David Jonathan Ross. This font is simple, ensuring good readability even at a distance. The bold uppercase letters create recognition, and the rounded corners add a touch of warmth, avoiding a too geometric feel. As the body text font, we opted for Noto Sans by Google. It supports numerous languages and scripts, aligning well with the international character of the cultural center. It is highly accessible, ensuring readability and a consistent design.
In terms of color choices:
Literature is represented by Mikado Yellow, symbolizing clarity and enlightenment, reminiscent of the yellowed pages of a well-read book.
Theater is embodied by Imperial Red, reminiscent of the stage curtain and seating in a theater hall.
Music is associated with Glaucous, a color reflecting the lightness and creativity inherent in music."
Figurative & wordmark
The arrangement of the lines and the letter E create an impression of depth in the figurative mark. This effect is intended to create a reference to the “Eck” (German for corner) from the name of the cultural community center.
The posters are designed to capture attention through eye contact with prominently featured artists. In the custom-made photographs, special attention was given to capturing a light reflection in the eyes to quickly engage the viewers' attention. They are categorized into different cultural genres of the cultural community center through color coding and icons. The freely positioned typography in the background aims to break the strict grid structure.
Business Card
Not only does the business card ensure easy recognition and swift contact through phone, email, or website, but it also doubles as a loyalty card for the cultural center's café, providing an extra layer of functionality and value.
The landing page should be clearly structured. A teaser slider previews upcoming events, providing a dynamic introduction. Consistency is key in button design, with a simple and uniform style placed consistently across sections to enhance user navigation. Cultural categories are distinctly highlighted through color coding, ensuring a visually cohesive representation
Dieses Projekt ist im Wintersemester 2023 im Studiengang Digital Media im Fach Corporate Design an der Technischen Hochschule Ulm entstanden. Projektinitiatorin, Projektleiterin und fachlicher Betreuerin: Verena Müller.
Autor/-in und inhaltlich Verantwortliche/r: Xaver Pollinger.
Das Projekt ist urheberrechtlich geschützt.