School Project : JusTBio (2021)

JusTBio was one of my MBA project in Digital Marketing class (2019)

Our client is an organic fruit juice producer based in Rambouillet, in the Yvelines region of France, named JusTBio. Currently, they sell their products only to distributors and are looking to market them on their website. They have entrusted us with the launch of their e-commerce site.

Organic production and processing methods are part of France's official signs of quality and origin. Regulated by European legislation since 1991, the objectives include environmental protection, biodiversity preservation, and animal welfare. Only products meeting these standards can bear the European organic logo and the AB (Biological Agriculture) label.

Organic farming lies at the heart of sustainable development. It represents a significant source of employment and contributes to the creation of added value for the economic and social life of regions – it's a commitment to future generations !

Therefore, creating the JusTBio website is a platform that will enable the company to expand nationwide, offering bio-conscious customers in France the opportunity to enjoy natural fruit juices produced locally.

Here some mockup of the Blog and the website I did create during my test of Digital Marketing

1) Who is your website's main Persona ? Present it in a few lines.

In marketing terms, a persona is an imaginary character who represents a target group or segment in the development of a new product or service, or a marketing activity as a whole.

The persona usually has a first name and social and psychological characteristics. Several personas can be used for a single development project. The persona can even be represented as a story board in a product or service situation.

For example, a persona created for the development of a new website could be :

This example gives us an idea of the type of customer who adheres to our values and principles, so that we can better control our e-commerce launch strategy, since we offer organic fruit juice products, and since this is a fast-growing market, we want to stand out from the crowd by having a more targeted approach.

2) What is the key phrase on your home page? Explain why you chose

these words.

The brand slogan is "JusTBio, seedless squeezed fruit juice", because the play on words is linked to the products that make up our fruit juices. Organic producers respect our water resources - The elimination of polluting chemicals and nitrogen leaching, and the enrichment of the soil protect and conserve water resources. Organic farming: an earth-safe choice - Soil is the basis of the food chain.

3) What content do you need to create to promote your website? your website? Explain your choice.

In addition to creating the website, we'll be setting up various campaigns on social networks, starting with Facebook because our business is B2C, and to better announce the launch of the site we'll be promoting it on our various accounts, pages, groups and why not via Ads. The key is to make people want to click on the links that lead to our site pages. To do this, we'll use aesthetics to attract our customers, offer content for download, run launch emailing campaigns, run promotions for the first online members, and so on.

4) Create a social media post to encourage your target audience to visit your website. then explain why you did it.

The social network hasn't invented anything in the way of advertising, since it's based on the behavior of Internet users, and as there are many advertising services like Google use, among others, this principle. But Facebook's great strength lies in its users' data. The same data that we transmit voluntarily or involuntarily.

Our marketing department knows that every web browsing session outside Facebook has an impact on the sponsored publications that are displayed, as does our journey on the platform itself. Facebook has a wealth of information about you and your connections, including :

- Information you share on Facebook (like on a Brand Page, for example),

- Information entered on your profile (age, gender, place of residence, status, profession, education, devices used via smartphone applications, etc.),

- Advertiser data shared with Facebook (a brand's email contact list imported into Facebook to create a specific audience),

- Your activity on websites and applications outside Facebook.

When it comes to data management, Facebook uses three methods :

  • Cookies (widely used), Facebook

  • Pixels used by advertisers on the platform itself

  • and Local Storage (the example of importing an advertiser's customer database to create a personalized audience is a case in point).

Facebook provides an interface for modifying these centers of interest, which the algorithm has defined for each profile. Within the centers of interest, you can see which of the pages in question you can find, and then delete an affinity without having to stop liking the page in question. A way of choosing which advertisements to accept.

5) If you had €5,000 to generate traffic to your site in the first year, how would you spend it? Why or why not?

Despite the surplus in the marketing campaign table, JusTBio's marketing department has opted to give priority to advertising on social networks, as organic produce is a market of interest to all age groups, especially young people and adults who, through their social networks (pages, blog, site...) have an influence on their own digital environments, as they give their opinions on a platform visible to their subscribers.

Whatever the number, a person's opinion on a product or service has a major impact on the direct consumer, as well as on future prospects who may be a close friend or even an external Internet user who has seen the product's opinion shared on a friend's story, on television or even on their news feed.

Next, the option for emailing as an inexpensive marketing tool. Most professional software packages, such as Sendinblue, offer free registration and the possibility of launching your first campaign free of charge. Emailing is very simple and requires no prior knowledge of programming, as platforms for creating and sending emailings are generally intuitive and offer a very easy-to-use editor for adding content and images in drag-and-drop mode.

At Sendinblue, for example, you only need to follow 4 steps to launch your first email campaign, then go to the "Set up your campaign" tab, where you simply choose a name for your campaign (not visible to your recipients), a subject and a sender name.

You can then opt for a package tailored to your needs. In any case, emailing is a much less expensive channel than mail marketing, display advertising or the use of Google Ads. Don't leave anything to chance. Always include a link to your site in your e-mail signature. This will save you a few extra clicks. Direct it to your site's home page, or change it regularly depending on your current objectives. Introduce the link with an engaging phrase.

Finally, as Native Ads are not very intrusive, web users are aware that they are facing an advertisement, since they are presented with an explanatory statement, but this doesn't bother them as the ad blends into the background. They won't feel attacked or interrupted by the ad, which is displayed in complete transparency. And there's no need for webmasters to take pride in the sometimes dubious Google ads displayed on their home page. And advertisers can rest assured that they'll finally be able to target a precise audience and obtain calibrated results without risking the erosion of their brand image - quite the opposite, in fact.

6) If you could only use two tools in your webmarketing strategy, in addition to the ones you use to build your website, what would they be ? In addition to the tools used to build your website, which tools would you use?

would you use ? Justify your choice.

In our webmarketing strategy, we'd choose emailing, a classic tool for the reasons given above, and the website, although sometimes indispensable, is one of the fundamental foundations of webmarketing. Whether it's a showcase site, a corporate site or an e-commerce site, the primary objective of the site is to assert its presence on the Internet.

In the case of a boutique, it goes without saying that a website is essential. To be able to sell without geographical restrictions, 24/7.

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