Snacker - A Snack ordering app for movie theatres


In 2023, I enrolled in the Google Design Certificate program. As a part of the coursework, I randomly selected a prompt from the Sharpen, which happened to be “Design s Snack Ordering App for Movie Theatre”. Thus, I began designing a mobile application named “Snacker” for a fictional movie theatre with the aim of increasing snack sales to the movie goers.

User Research

To understand the user's needs and behaviors, I conducted surveys and interviews with a diverse group of moviegoers. This research helped identify common pain points and preferences, informing the features and design of the app.

Wireframes and Prototypes

Using these wireframes, I was able to outline the basic structure and functionality of the app, laying the groundwork for a more detailed design. Following this, interactive prototypes were developed to visualize the user interface and overall user experience, allowing for more practical feedback and iteration.

Major Features

Final Design

👇Click here to play with the prototype


What I learned🌱

Throughout the time working on this, I’ve learned the importance of gathering as much as user feedback in the early phase of the project. In this project, I started to gather user feedback a few weeks after I started the project, which provided strong first-hand evidence on design decision-making.

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