FLASHY Juice Branding

The branding goals for FLASHY aimed to create a dynamic and adventurous identity for a juice brand that promotes healthy, high-energy living. The process of branding FLASHY included creating a logo, illustrating playful mascots, and curating a comprehensive color scheme, all to evoke the brand's sense of activity and excitement.

The Process

The design for this brand was inspired by the beverage brand Poppi, and the pizza brand Pitruco. I took the elements of each branding that I enjoyed, such a Poppi's saturated colors and Pitruco's textured illustrations and combined them with my original design. FLASHY targets parents seeking healthy beverage options for their children as well as health-conscious individuals looking for an energy boost during or after workouts or adventures. This brand stands out from other beverage brands because it is healthy, bold and fun. Rather than go the typical branding route of a healthy beverage (minimal color, photographed supporting images) FLASHY is bold, bright and fun and certainly stands out among competitors on the grocery store shelf.

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