Daily UI #001 - Sign Up
Day 1 of Daily UI. I took the current donation page for the DSPCA (Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) http://www.dspca.ie/donate
The intention is to provide a connection with the animals and a simple, quick way for people to donate.
The page will randomly show different images each time it loads. The form colours will allow change to tie in with the tone of the image. This provides more chance of repeat visitors being presented with an image that they connect or identify with (E.G. dog lovers will respond better to dog images). A second page can be viewed in the attached 'Cats' version.
The form provides a simple radio button choice between monthly and once off donations. The slider gives people full control over how much they would like to donate. The titles for both sections ask a question that give further control to the user. It is important to not guilt or trick people into donating.