Catat - Sales Transaction Recording

Hi Everyoneđź‘‹

Today I want to share my exploration of my case study.


Catat is an application used by seller to record product transactions such as credit, electricity and PDAM payment services to customers so that these transactions can be store more structured. Seller can view transaction recaps and see the profits earned during sales transactions.


Transaction recaps are available on some platforms so the seller need more time to calculate financial cash flow and debts. The seller cannot recap the profits from the transaction so the seller cannot know the amount of profit each month.


Catat has several features that can be used by the seller

  1. Saldo is used to view the history of balance entries. The balance will decrease when the seller makes a transaction according to the nominal transaction. In this balance there is business capital which is used to calculate the cash obtained by the seller.

  2. Cash is used to see the amount of cash obtained by the seller after calculating business capital, balances and debts.

  3. Transaksi are products or services that have been carried out and then recorded in the application by the seller. In the transaction menu, sellers can view transaction history

  4. Hutang is a menu that sellers can use to see a recap of customer debts.


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