REMAX Heritage - Branding Design
REMAX Heritage
Branding \\ Web Design \\ Marketing \\ Photography \\ Video Production
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REMAX Heritage was one of the most successful real estate brokerages in North Texas before it exited. We like to think that their agents having the highest average of homes sold for 7 years had something to do with our marketing efforts, but they truly are a great company. From branding to filming realtor testimonials we’ve covered it all for this once real estate conglomerate.
When working closely in the real estate marketing over the past 2 decades we saw a lot of change. The market has turned on it’s head paying the lions share to leads from tech companies and more discount brokerages than you can shake a stick at these days. There are very few constants in the world, but like it’s name suggested, RE/MAX had Heritage there in North Texas for many years, and was the giding star for successful real estate brokerages in one of the busiest regions of the United States.