Tet, also known as Lunar New Year, is when we go through various emotions, all within a few short days. It goes from the busy days of preparations for Tet to the anxious anticipation of the transition between “Giao Thua” (Lunar New Year’s Eve) and “Mung Mot” (the first lunar day). As the clock strikes midnight, the space comes alive with fireworks filling the sky, prayers for peace, mothers worshiping and paying respects to ancestors, people greeting each other for a happy new year, etc.

“Nghe dem” - listening to the night-feeling the transition from the old year to the new one becoming more apparent. Following the vibrant sounds of “Giao Thua” is the moment of family reunion in which everyone gathers and talks to each other on Mung Mot. “Ke Ngay” - recounting the day involves sharing old stories as well as planning new journeys. Everyday worries give way to happiness and hope for a new year full of health and peace.

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