talking threads

With our Threads strategy intact this image is how we will begin to illustrate our interest and love of the book. We love it so much we want to make it valuable again.

We wish to highlight the waste present in current book printing, ask some questions about why, show alternatives, illustrate price point differences also and further conversation about the need for print. We will focus on the trail segment and show how badly designed the book and map format are for trail users. We will integrate message on environmental standards in our small company and reveal the thinking behind our hybrids that bring the strengths of both and integrate mobile devices to focus on a better experience.

Three points form the foundation of navigation, and so many other principles are at play in our maps. This series of images for our Wco Threads account are aimed to be factual and take the facts to our audiences ready for change.

Paul Jarvis has become a major key in our thinking, before we found him we were following the thoughts, yet his concise ability to hit what our freelance and design careers are about brought our small team together to be efficient, concise and bring the voices of practicing mountain culture peoples directly to those looking for it.

More by rich rawlyk

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