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Introducing Wireframe 2 which expands on the assets offered in the first wireframe pack that can be found in the Original Wireframe Pack.
Wireframe assets offer simplified, skeletal representations of 3D models or objects through abstract ribbon-like shapes. Designed for versatility, users can easily layer, resize, and rotate these assets to craft a wide array of unique combinations.
To facilitate easy matching and customization, vectors are named according to the number of curves they possess.
Each asset in this pack is categorized based on the number of curves it comprises:
Two curves (defining the edges)
Three curves (incorporating edges and a central point)
Five curves (featuring three curved points within the body and two at the edges)
The pre-made designs in this pack adhere to specific patterns:
The basic row consists of assets with one inner curve and unjoined edges.
Row 1 introduces a pointed edge to the assets.
Row 2 utilizes end-to-end points aligned along the X axis.
Row 3 employs end-to-end points that do not align, similar to row 2.
The Abstract row deviates from a strict pattern, allowing for creative exploration without constraints.
Enhanced asset foundation: Our updated approach establishes a structured foundation for assets, enabling quicker conceptualization of designs. Unlike the previous method, which involved concealing unattractive parts, this structured approach allows users to freely experiment with various positions without limitations.
Granular building blocks: We now offer more detailed building blocks for wireframe designs, ranging from basic to advanced versions. Users can seamlessly jump into the design process at any stage, from creating initial building blocks to constructing final designs.
New color options: We've introduced new colors by meticulously positioning linear gradients. This addition provides a wider range of branding options, moving beyond the reliance on the white linear gradient featured in version 1.
Resized assets: Version 1 assets were found to be slightly oversized for many projects. In response, Version 2 assets have been tailored to fit a MacBook Pro 16" frame (1728x1117), ensuring easier integration into landing pages and web designs.
Expanded asset library: While Version 1 offered 8 assets and 7 pre-made designs, Version 2 boasts a significant expansion with 78 assets and 40 designs, providing users with a wealth of options for their projects.
Download the Free Figma file here