Application wireframe

This should be the first time I upload a shot of my wireframes.

The problem
A lot of people are sending emails to friends where they ask them a little something, but they succeed in it to almost write a book.

The plan
We want to use Twitters limitation of only 140 characters which let users come to the point of their message immediately, and don't waste our time of reading their whole story. To email, just enter the recipients email, add a subject and write down your message in only 140 characters. Want to show your friend where you are? No problem with the integration of Google Maps. Want to show them a picture of you or what you just saw? Just take a picture and attach it to the message.

Why would you help
Do you have ever been in my place? Had a similar situation? Want to get rid of these long-story emails? Then support us by backing this project and let us design and develop this little, but useful application.

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